
What are Hedge Funds and The Advantages of Investing in Them?

Why invest in hedge funds? Put simply, hedge funds seek better-than-market returns.

Hedge funds provide unique portfolio strategies for investors seeking non-correlated returns. What many have in common: high initial minimum requirements. We provide qualified retail investors to enter the hedge fund space for a substantially smaller commitment.

How do investors access hedge funds?

While most people tend to think of hedge funds as an exclusive, members-only club for the “ultra-rich,” new liquid alternatives are democratizing hedge funds, making them available to retail investors who usually wouldn’t have access to them.

Some hedge funds require investors to have a minimum in investable assets at their disposal, but at HUDSONPOINT, we can help you access the world of hedge funds with a substantially smaller commitment. Our platform pools together the combined capital of our clients, giving us the buying power to participate in attractive hedge funds while keeping your minimum investment as low as $100,000.

Let Us Help You Access the World of Hedge Funds

HUDSONPOINT is on a mission to democratize hedge funds and make them available to investors. See how we can help you invest like the 1% and grow your wealth with confidence.

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Investor Verification

HUDSONPOINT’s Alternative Products require a certain level of Qualification. Depending on your Accreditation, you may qualify for some or all of our products. This accreditation step is necessary from a legal and regulatory perspective. All information will be held in complete confidence.

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What are hedge funds? 

The term “hedge fund” has been used to describe a pool of private, professionally managed investments in a fund. They provide investors with the latitude to take investment strategies based on current market conditions to manage risk and outperform the market. Regardless of whether the stock market has increased or declined, the managers can “hedge” themselves by going long (if they foresee a market rise) or shorting stocks (if they anticipate a drop).


Choosing the right hedge fund

We offer access to many different investment mandates, such as:

  1. Long/Short Equity: Longing stocks predicted to go long, shorting stocks predicted to go short.
  2. Multi-Strategy: Also uses long and short positions, but often equal sized in order to minimize exposure in a volatile market.
  3. Structured Credit: Re-packaging debt obligations into interest bearing securities.
  4. Relative Value: Take advantage of small difference in the prices of like securities.
  5. Merger Arbitrage: Buying and selling stocks of two merging companies ahead of the merger.
  6. Global Macro: Basing purchases off the overall political and economic views of a group of countries.
  7. Real Estate: Invests in real estate, usually through REITs or underperforming assets.
  8. Special Situations: Opportunistic investments around company restructuring, spin-offs, asset sales, and other situations.

Sample Offering

For illustrative purposes only

Hedge Fund (Multi-Strategy)

Offering Size
$3 B
Minimum Investment
Est. Targeted Return
10% +

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